Call FRL about our programs listed below or click here for our available Products.
- Reprocessed Fluoropolymers from Inventory
Each year FRL customers rely on our inventory for hundreds of thousands of pounds of clean and consistently processable fluoropolymer products. FRL products are made to customer specifications and include unique part numbers to support customer bills of material. - Purchase Fluoropolymer Scraps & Wastestreams
We buy all forms of FEP, PFA, and ETFE, including scrap parts, bleed, purge, sprues, runners, gates, virgin off spec, prime virgin overstocks and obsolete inventory. - Purchase Data Wire & Cable Scrap
We purchase and reclaim FEP from FEP-Insulated Copper Data Cable scrap with or without PVC jackets, tapes, and fillers.
Contact us for our recycling expertise.